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of last Year!!

North Highland has become a reality more powerful than Dave could have ever imagined. Companies turn to North Highland because we do things differently. We don’t sell quick-fix solutions. We are not in it for the glory.

We are enablers of excellence, a powerful, global integration of industry know-how, design, technology and data.

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We are making our membership plan to think about our clinet. You can take the membership with matching your needs. there is no hidden charge.

Economic Plan

$17/ mo
Economic plan is great for new startup, small company ho can spent small budget for their business.
  • 400 Videos to upload
  • 150 Contacts
  • 300 Messages
  • 100 Credit Reports
  • Unlimited Support
  • 7 Day monyback
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Business Plan

$49/ mo
Brilliant plan is great for corporate, big company who don’t think about bughet but quality.
  • 400 Videos to upload
  • 150 Contacts
  • 300 Messages
  • 1000 Credit Reports
  • Unlimited Support
  • 7 Day monyback
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At half-past eight the door opened The policeman appeared.

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Main Office

3333 Piedmont Rd, Suite 1000 Atlanta, GA 30305

Office Hour

Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.